Dermal Fillers


As we get older, a war is waged between mother nature and our skin. We want to maintain our youthful appearance, but gravity and age begin to take a toll. Facial fillers are a great way to add volume, reduce wrinkles, fill scar depressions, and can give your skin a fresher, more youthful appearance.

These injections may include hyaluronic acid, poly-L-lactic acid, platelet rich plasma and calcium hydroxylapatite to fill the facial creases and folds. When performed correctly, the results appear natural. The face and body naturally contain hyaluronic acid, but as we age, the levels of this substance decreases, leading to a lack of volume, deeper folds, and the appearance of lines. Lips may begin to thin and turn down at the corners, often leading to a tired, angry, or unhappy appearance.

Facial fillers are very small injections administered to specific areas, which are used to produce temporary to longer-lasting results, depending upon the formulation of the product.


While the sides of your face should be sisters, your lips should be twins. We take intentional care to revolumize and reshape your lips to fit your over-all beauty.

How Long Does a Lip Injection Take?

Treatment time is 30-45 minutes

How Much Recovery Time Will I Need?

You can expect your lips to be swollen for a couple of days as they heal but there is virtually no downtime.

How Soon Can I Expect Results?

Results are immediate (after initial swelling dies down)

How Long Will My Results Last?

Results will last for 6-18 months depending on which filler is used.

Cheeks and Temples

Natural contour to the cheekbones and filled in temples give you a much more youthful look.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

30-45 minutes.

How Much Recovery Time Will I Need?

Bruising and mild swelling may be present for a few days or weeks

What Results Can I Expect?

Results are immediate (after initial swelling dies down)

How Long Will My Results Last?

Results should last for 6-24 months.

Tear Troughs

As we age, we lose fat pads below our eyes, which causes our tear trough's to sink. Filling in the tear trough area will give your eyes a brighter and refreshed look.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

30-45 minutes.

How Much Recovery Time Will I Need?

Bruising and mild swelling may be present for a few days or weeks.

What Results Can I Expect?

Results are immediate (after initial swelling dies down.)

How Long Will My Results Last?

Results should last for 8-12 months.

Nasolabial FoldS

Also known as our "laugh lines" or "Smile lines". We refresh and revive this area so that you don't have to be afraid of expressing yourself.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

30-45 minutes.

How Much Recovery Time Will I Need?

Bruising and mild swelling may be present for a few days or weeks.

What Results Can I Expect?

Results are immediate (after initial swelling dies down.)

How Long Will My Results Last?

Results should last for 8-12 months.

Jawline and Chin

A cut jawline and a strong chin slims down the face to give you a stronger and more lean look.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

30-45 minutes.

How Much Recovery Time Will I Need?

Bruising and mild swelling may be present for a few days or weeks.

What Results Can I Expect?

Results are immediate (after initial swelling dies down.)

How Long Will My Results Last?

Results should last for 8-12 months.

INTERESTED IN Dermal Fillers?

We'd love to sit down and talk with you to see what options are best for you. Schedule an appointment and we can see what options are right for you.

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